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Are you looking for an opportunity to expand your STEM education and increase your work options for the future? 你想成为吗 确定 关于你即将踏上的职业道路?

项目确定 STEM学者计划



St. 菲利普学院获得了四年1美元的奖学金.2500万美元的国家科学基金会资助启动 项目确定 (脚手架本科科研经历). This program will give you the chance to enrich your learning and skill development through evidence-based, real-world experiences created to support your journey towards completing a STEM degree.

通过确定项目, faculty and external community partners in STEM fields will partner together to build the 确定 model – a scaffolding of STEM student learning and skill development through experiential learning. 通过这个脚手架模型,学生将:

  • 参与课堂体验式学习
  • Participate in applied learning by tackling issues of local, national, and global importance
  • 参加教师主导的研究项目
  • 完成本地行业实习
  • Attend summer research experiences and/or complete federal summer internships
  • 想得更远. 菲利普学院和转学到大学, 尤其是那些有活跃研究项目的大学
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Being a part of 项目确定 will elevate your STEM education by allowing you to gather the skills needed to transfer to a four-year university successfully. 因此,完成你的STEM四年制学位. 参与确定项目, 学生将获得与职业相关的能力, 知识, 以及可以澳门正规博彩十大排行平台于课堂内外的经验. The active learning opportunities available through this program will help ensure your academic journey isn’t random – it will be relevant!

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Real-world experience is not only a meaningful part of your education but experience outside of the classroom is also expected by today’s top employers. 在确定项目中, you will gain the experience and connections that help you stand out in a highly competitive job market. This program is an investment that ensures you receive the professional development and inspiration you need to persevere through college and succeed in your STEM career.


Becoming a partner with 项目确定 will benefit your organization and aid in propelling STEM students' careers. St. Philip’s 大学 is recruiting organizations that will allow 确定 students to work on industry-relevant projects in work-study or internship roles.


Are you looking for an opportunity to share wisdom with the next generation of STEM professionals? 你想确定STEM的未来是光明的吗? Consider becoming a part of a new program designed to help college students succeed in STEM while faculty members advance their teaching skills and professional development opportunities.

St. 菲利普学院获得了四年1美元的奖学金.2500万美元的国家科学基金会资助启动 项目确定 (脚手架本科科研经历). This program will give you the chance to help enrich skill development through evidence-based, real-world experiences created to support a student's journey towards completing a STEM degree.

现有街道上的建筑物. Philip’s 大学 programs and structures, 项目确定 will target three areas:

  1. 教学创新: will incorporate STEM experiential learning and further develop faculty use of emerging experiential learning methods.
  2. 实习及研究经历: will create alliances between the college and local industry to provide paid internship opportunities, and prepare students to apply for national research experiences and federal internship opportunities.
  3. 转移: will center on guiding students to transfer to universities to complete their undergraduate degrees.

我如何加入?? 电子邮件问题或合作兴趣 或致电210-486-2162.


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  • 获得更多的专业技能和建立投资组合的机会
  • Engage in active learning and research practices that can be presented in papers or at conferences
  • Earn financial support through a stipend and funding for implementation, 或专业发展,如赞助的会议经验
  • 在学院委员会任职,帮助制定确定项目计划

项目确定 is an investment that ensures you receive the professional development and inspiration you need to empower students as they persevere through college to succeed in a STEM career.

